The beginning of the #HRGamerGirl
Everyone is supposed to have a brand, or at least that's what all the job search websites said.
I struggled with this because I am new to HR. I don't know what my niche is yet. I have several interests: L&D, employee engagement, employee relations, labor relations, HRIS, recruitment. At this point, I could see myself as a payroll analyst staring at numbers all day (introvert FTW) or bouncing around from job fair to job fair to engage prospective candidates.
I also like dancing, classic video games, writing, reading and the White Sox.
So what is my brand right now? How could I combine all these interests into a "brand?"
Then I found some random game in the Nintendo eShop: Human Resource Machine.
HR and video games? Is that a thing? Well, I'll make it a thing. #HRGamerGirl is born! After all, although video games are often marketed as kid stuff, I think they offer lessons those of us who are adulting.
So stay tuned and tell me what's your favorite video game?