Christine Harrell

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My workplace is a Pokestop!

After disappearing over the last couple years, Pokemon Go has lately had a resurgence on my social media. I discovered why. Pokemon Go Fest is coming to Chicago during the weekend of July 14-15. Because it's a weekend event, most 9-5 white collar folks can probably avoid encountering players (if they aren't joining in the fun, that is). 

But still, it got me wondering what one would do if their job was near the site of a PokeStop or a gym (or even better, the gym or stop)?

Distracted Employees

If your workplace is near a gym or PokeStop, there's a higher likelihood of employees trying to catch 'em all on the clock. Some employers take a hardline approach and forbid all gaming, as was the case with this organization's warning. Boeing banned the game from all the company's devices after a worker was nearly injured while playing on the job. SHRM also has some tips for employers who are trying to reign in Pokemon Go fever at work and keep employees safe.

Employee Engagement Strategy

However, some companies prefer the old strategy of "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Instead of banning outright, they explicitly allow times where employees can play, either on or off the clock. The founder and CEO of The Next Web, Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, mandated his employees to play Pokemon Go for 30 minutes per day, such as after lunch, to encourage exercise.  Similarly, Bananatag experimented with Pokemon Go lunches and found it improved company culture and helped folks connect.

Attracting customers

Other business can use Pokemon Go to increase foot traffic and lure customers. For those unfamiliar with the game, you can set up "lures" at different locations to attract Pokemon trainers. This article by Inc gives more tips on using Pokemon Go in your marketing strategy, particularly if it's not a Pokestop.

I doubt that Pokemon Go will reach the same heights of popularity as it did in Summer 2016, but with updates, fests, quests, and so forth, it looks like it'll remain a part of popular culture for awhile.  How will your company handle the Pokemania?