Recommended Reading: Get ready for #SHRM18!


Are you going to #SHRM18? HR millennial blogger Jazmine Wilkes has a bunch of great tips for first time SHRM con attendees. Check out my favorite posts and follow her on twitter @HRJazzy:

#SHRM18 First Time Attendee: 10 Must Haves Inside the Conference- This applies to any con, really. However, I am also bringing games to keep me busy while I am waiting (if I'm not feeling particularly extroverted).

#SHRM First Time Attendee? Just a Few Tips Series-General advice that also applies to any con. Pace yourself! You don't have to attend everything!

#SHRM18 People to Meet-In addition to me, that is. Come say, "Hi," at the Info booth on Saturday! Follow these folks on twitter too, while you're at it.